General company information:

Company headquarters: HERKULES proizvodno tradsko podjeto d.o.o., Pusti Javor 8, 1296 Šentvid pri Stični

Telephone: 040 281 966

Transaction account: SI56 6100 0002 2866 157 at DH d.d.

Ident. VAT number (ID): SI93869142, we are liable for VAT

Registration number: 5350603

The company is registered at the district court in Ljubljana, no. of deposit 1/06045/00

Share capital: SIT 2,202,119.00

. Website: Avtodeli Herkules


HERKULES d.o.o. is a manufacturing and trading company focused mainly on maintenance and repairs of motor vehicles, supply of spare parts and distance trade. We want to offer our customers quality products at affordable prices using a modern sales method. In the field of maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, we can boast of many years of experience and professional staff. Based on our activity and experience in the maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, we will not only sell you the products, we will help you buy them. That is why we look forward to your visit to our online store, where we will be happy to advise you, help you and find the best for your steel horse and find something convenient for your free time.